Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving fun and fall time updates

We enjoyed the company of each of our un married and married children and spouses, grandchildren, along with my brother Mike and his wife Cyd, and my nephew David and his wife Lisa and daughter Skye. What fun to celebrate together the joy of family and the bounty of life!

The passing of Paul's mother, Shirley, was a blessing for her, but we miss her sweet spirit. She was an angelic lady who made life sweeter for all who knew her! Thanks for the memories!
Paul and I took a trip after a long recuperation over the summer recovering from an ATV accident. This is Mesa Falls close to West Yellowstone. We loved it. By the way, I'm all healed up now. I had good care from my hubby and kids. I was an invalid for a while with some pelvic breaks as well. What a fluke accident!
Between Grandpa Jack's passing and Paul's mother Shirley passing, we welcomed a new little grandson. His name is Matthew Brandon Monson. He's totally adorable. We love being grandparents!
We've had a crazy summer and fall. Grandpa Jack (99 1/2) passed away at the Charleston Assisted Living Center here by me in Cedar Hills. We enjoyed having him over for family dinners and have fond memories of him and cherished experiences together. Paul and I put together a slide show of his life an really came to appreciate his zest for living and fun times with family. We showed it at his Memorial/Funeral services.